Preparing you for the Future

Respect, Excellence, Collaboration, Independence, Perseverance and Enjoyment

Welcome to
Chantry Community Primary School

The life of Chantry Community Primary School is driven by enthusiasm and a desire for all to achieve academic and individual excellence, regardless of starting points,  ensuring that each child is encouraged and supported to be the best they can be.


Latest News

Made it to the Tower and met a friend on the way in. Seuss class have had a look at the Crown Jewels while Rosen are exploring The White Tower #enjoyment #excellence ... See MoreSee Less
Year 2 are on the train to London now. Very excited to see The Tower and watching out the windows on the way. #enjoyment #excellence ... See MoreSee Less
Year 2 are working hard at their road safety workshop to remember all the key skills for crossing a road. #perseverance #care ... See MoreSee Less
A while ago we hosted a consultation about the Local Heritage Quarter. Here are the findings of the team and a survey about the next steps. We would really appreciate it if you could engage with it to support the process of the development. Thank you for your support! ... See MoreSee Less
Year 5 have been working hard on creating factual, double-page spreads all about The Moon Landing in 1969. They have used a mixture of their knowledge, research and information gathered from their recent trip. We think they are excellent! #perseverance #Independence ... See MoreSee Less


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Headteacher: Mrs. K Duncan

Ordnance Road,
Gravesend, DA12 2RL

01474 350011
