Chantry Community Academy: Intent, Implementation and Impact.
Our outstanding teachers deliver a curriculum which reflects the breadth and balance of the National Curriculum, ensuring the progressive development of every child with their knowledge and skills. Our carefully crafted curriculum is based on our values, encompassing the local area, the cultural diversity of our school and what it means to be a good caring citizen in today’s world.
At Chantry Community Academy we believe that the best learning happens when children take part in purposeful, interesting and exciting experiences. We frequently have visitors to the school and we ensure that children go out on visits linked with their end of term WOW project. Our vision is to ensure that all Chantry pupils are equipped with essential life skills, develop positive character attitudes and are able to meet the requirements of the statutory curriculum.
The below diagram shows our ‘character attitudes’; emotional intelligence, creativity, communication, critical thinking, and problem solving. They are supported by our RECIPE values: respect, excellence, collaboration, independence, perseverance, and enjoyment.