- Our intention is to provide our children with essential skills and knowledge, including skills for life, for future learning and employment.
- The curriculum has been designed to be ambitious and give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or high needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
The Curriculum has been planned, in line with our Skills for Life values, and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.
- Learners study the full curriculum. Our curriculum offers a full range of subjects for as long as possible, ‘specialising’ only when necessary.
- Our curriculum has been specifically crafted to exploit our local area and history, providing opportunities to learn about famous historical local figures and events. For example, Pocahontas, the River Thames, WWII.
We believe the six key character attitudes identified are essential for our children to succeed.
Creativity – to provide an innovative, memorable, cross-curricular and creative curriculum that motivates and inspires children to learn and adults to teach. In a world where we are educating children for jobs that have not been invented yet we need our children to be creative in order to adapt to the world that they live in.
Problem Solving – to provide children with challenging activities, so that they understand the importance of persevering in order to solve a problem independently and collaboratively.
Emotional Intelligence – students are respectful, responsible and resilient citizens who develop strong values, morals and relationships. Showing the importance of respect for people in school, the wider community and globally, by understanding how to control and express their emotions and being empathetic towards others.
Collaboration – to ensure that children know how to work with others to create great things. The belief and understanding that by working with others, they can identify their own valid contributions and the importance of compromise and listening to others.
Critical thinking – to encourage children to question what they hear in order to discover truth and to think and learn independently.
Communication – students are ready and able to communicate and express themselves with confidence. We encourage children to confidently express a viewpoint and understand that people have different points of view and engage with these, whilst also understanding the importance of collaboration.