The Chantry uniform is now available online from Mapac. Uniforms can be ordered and delivered to your home address or to the school. Please use the link below and follow the instructions on how to register:
Second hand uniform is always available. Please get in touch with the the school regarding this.
Our school uniform is a mixture of red and grey. Most items can be bought from high street shops.
Grey skirt/pinafore dress or tailored shorts or trousers (not jogging bottoms)
Red gingham checked or striped dress can be worn in the summer
White shirt or blouse
Red v neck cardigan/sweatshirt – with the Chantry logo or plain
White/black/grey socks or grey/black/red tights
School tie
Reception to Year 3: Elastic tie
Year 4-6: Tie
Please note skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows your child to sit comfortably on the floor. Plain black leggings are only permitted to be worn underneath a skirt or dress in extremely cold weather or for religious reasons. A long sleeved plain white top is permitted to be worn under a shirt for the same reasons above.
PE Kit
PE kit is plain black shorts/ leggings or jogging bottoms with a T shirt in their house team colour , trainers and their red school cardigan or sweatshirt.
Girls should wear a one piece swimming costume and bring a towel. Boys are to wear shorts/trunks and bring a towel.
All children are expected to change for PE lessons. It is acceptable for religious reasons to wear black leggings under shorts.
All children are required to wear plain black shoes. For health and safety reasons platform soles, high heels and open toe sandals are not permitted. Plain black boots with a low heel can be worn in the winter or when the weather is poor. If boots are worn, children will have to change into plain black shoes or trainers in the building.
Jewellery, hairstyles, make up and nail varnish
For health and safety reasons we do not allow jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are small studs in pierced ears and small objects of religious significance.
All jewellery should be removed for PE lessons. Taping over of earrings is not permitted. Teachers are not permitted to remove earrings. Parents will be informed of PE days.
Students with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision or provide a health and safety risk. Hair should be tied back with hair bands that are either plain black, white or red. Make up and nail varnish are not considered appropriate and students are not permitted to wear any products in school.
Should children arrive in school in incorrect uniform, they will be referred to the Health and Welfare Officer and if the items are available from our stock, will be asked to change. A telephone call home will be made to inform parents.