Art and Design at Chantry Community is taught with a strong emphasis on facilitating opportunities for children to share their own thoughts and ideas through a wide variety of art forms. This results in highly practical lessons where material exploration and skill development is the aim. Each term long project is structured to allow a development of key practical skills as well as an understanding of the Elements of Art.

The curriculum has a clear route of progression so that skills develop and new ones are introduced at appropriate ages. All termly projects are linked with the wider curriculum and begin with a study into an artist or Art movement. This study of artworks gives children a wide knowledge of art styles and the understanding of developments in art and how they are linked to historical events, people and different cultures across the globe.

Lesson aims are skills based around the key areas of drawing, painting, print and sculpture. In Key Stage one the exposure to and free experimentation of a range of materials is essential so that children have a broad understanding of mark making, tools, the possibilities and limits of each material. They leave Key stage one being equipment with a knowledge of how different materials can be applied, adapted and combines to create different outcomes. A basic understanding of colour and tone is developed through paint mixing and colour theory as well as the understanding of shade and tone. These skills are then developed during Key Stage Two so that children can choose, combine and adapt materials to realise carefully planned outcomes.

Evaluation is ongoing process in the teaching of art, each lesson is self-evaluated so that children can realise their developing sill level. The evaluation of artists work as well as their own outcomes focuses on the children’s own views and feelings related to the artworks. It is understood that creative expression can be a personal experience and so all outcomes are celebrated for their improving skill level and ability to self-express.

At Chantry we are fortunate to have a curriculum room which gives space for Art lessons to be out of the classroom and use a wider range of materials and approaches. The children also have the benefit of projects being taught by the Secondary Art and Design teachers from within the Trust. This high quality teaching has not only improved outcomes but has allowed the children to experience a wider range of art forms and approaches.

Generic Art Websites for children to look at

YouTube Channels

Ideal for KS1

Ideal for KS2