Design and Technology at Chantry Community Academy is skills focused and based on the concept of material culture – ‘products, places and images’. In lessons there is opportunity to apply knowledge and understanding gained in other lessons, such as science, mathematics and history, develop practical knowledge they have from previous years as well as learning new skills.

These new skills are the practical use of materials and tools as well as the process of design, evaluating and problem solving (perseverance). Children ask their own questions, develop creativity and innovation (independence) as well as explore attitudes to the ‘made’ world and how we live and work within it. There is a focus on the environment and the impact of different designs, materials and products on it (respect). A heavy focus on the design process and evaluation skills give children the insight into the ‘behind the scenes’ of the making in the design industry.

The curriculum has a clear route of progression so that skills are built on each year and new ones introduced when appropriate and accessible. Projects are planned to be cross curricular and give the chance for links to other subject areas and add context to the skills taught. This may be from looking at architecture, existing products or the challenge of solving a practical problem.

Outcomes for Design and Technology are realised using developed skills, following designs and criteria taken from prototypes, experiments and children’s growing understanding of materials and their properties. They vary from group or whole class projects, which allowing children to understand different roles within design and making (cooperation), to individual products that show the process of the ‘designer’ as a profession and the children’s improving skill level.

At Chantry we are fortunate to have a curriculum room which gives space for large scale projects and the facilities to teach Food Technology at an advanced level. The food technology curriculum at Chantry embeds this essential life skill in the curriculum as well as giving a practical knowledge to the seasonality of produce and the hygiene and safety around food preparation. It focuses on the skilled preparation of savoury dishes, the independent use of a range of kitchen equipment and the exploration of a variety of dishes.

The termly projects are supplemented by Design and Technology focused activities such as the successful DT Days, STEM week and competitions such as ‘Chantry does Bake Off’.

Useful Links

These websites have a range of ideas, activities and resources to use in the classroom and at home.