All of our pupils and staff are passionate about putting PE and school sport at the heart of Chantry. We believe that all of our pupils are entitled to high quality PE lessons. This is the reason why we have employed a PE specialist who is solely responsible for the delivery of our outstanding PE program.

Here at Chantry, we believe every child is entitled to have the opportunity to participate and learn new skills in a range of sports. We provide our pupils opportunities to be active and develop their knowledge of different physical activities both within and outside of the curriculum. We aim to provide all of our pupils the chance to attend a minimum of two extra-curricular sport clubs a week. These are designed to further develop pupils’ fundamental skills and attributes that are vital to the growth of our pupils.

The long-term plans that have been implemented at Chantry ensure that our KS1 pupils are given the platform to develop and master basic skills and movements as well as their agility, balance and co-ordination. To practise these skills, the children will participate in various team based and individual sports, which will also enable them to develop a range of simple tactics.

During KS2, our pupils will participate in a number of individual sports as well as team sports – requiring them to cooperate with each other to maximise success. These include net and wall games, striking and fielding games, invasion games and OAA.

Being situated so closely to the river, Chantry takes the responsibility of ensuring our pupils have an understanding of the importance of keeping themselves safe in and around the water very seriously. This is why we use our Sport Premium Funding to top up our swimming allocation to ensure that every child from years 2-6 has the opportunity to have swimming and water safety lessons for an entire term at least once a year.

Our Trust works tirelessly to ensure pupils are exposed to the best opportunities. At Chantry, we are very lucky to receive Trust support from a dance specialist. Every class in the school is able to experience outstanding dance lessons for a whole term at least once every year.

All of our PE lessons, clubs and activities are planned around the framework of our RECIPE. This guarantees that our pupils are able to show the core values that are embedded into their everyday school lives. Each year group will have a RECIPE focus for the term within PE.

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